閃電男 Namargon
Known to the aboriginals of Arnhem Land as the Lightning Man, Namargon is the cause of the thunderstorms that happen on the Arnhem plateau. He uses the stone axes tied to his body to split the clouds and create thunder. Stone axes are tied with hemp ropes to his head, neck, waist, and knees. His body is painted with X-ray art designs of white clay. In the rock paintings he is surrounded by a circle of lightning bolts or clouds.
彩虹蛇 Rainbow Snake
Popular in the northern regions of Australia, the Rainbow Snake is a mythical being associated with water, fertility, and life. It is seen as an ancestor of the aboriginal people. Portrayed both in male and female forms, the serpent is responsible for creating river banks wherever it travels. In the beliefs of Arnhem Land it is the Fertility Mother, and is celebrated annually before the wet season. Sometimes during the rituals, the Rainbow Snake can be seen arching its body across the sky. The Rainbow Snake is portrayed in many different forms in the rock paintings of Arnhem Land. This depiction consists of an emu’s head, a woman’s torso with only one arm, a snake’s body with rainbow colours, and a human leg as the tail.
河洛斯 Horus
Horus, Lord of the Sky, represents divine kingship. The Pharaoh is seen as the “living Horus,” and therefore has the approval of the gods to rule the kingdom. Horus is said to have competed for the throne against his elder brother Seth. In one occasion, the two gods transform into hippopotamuses to see who can stay underwater longer. Unknown to Seth, Horus had planned for his mother, Isis, to kill Seth with a harpoon while he is submerged. However, Isis backs out. An enraged Horus attacks his mother and runs into the desert, only to be found by Seth, who cuts his eyes out. Fortunately Hathor manages to restore his eyes with gazelle’s milk. Horus’ eyes thus become the “udjat” eye, a symbol of the state of perfection. From top to bottom, Horus dons a sun disc, a gold-and-enamel uraeus, Nemes headdress, a beaded collar, beaded armlets, a short tubular garment with straps, a sash, beaded bracelets, a gala skirt, the lion’s tail, and beaded anklets. He has the head of a falcon, and holds a shepherd’s crook and the hieroglyphic “ankh,” the key of life.
哈索爾 Hathor
Daughter of the sun-god Re and symbolic mother of the Pharaoh, Hathor is a complex deity who embodies many elements: she is seen as a funerary goddess, as well as the goddess of healing and childbirth. She is also associated with sexual love, music, and dance, and it is said that Hathor once calmed Re from a tantrum over the competition between Horus and Seth by dancing naked in front of him until he burst out laughing. Hathor is recognized by the cow horns on the top of her head, between which lies a sun disc. She also dons a gold uraeus, a big wig padded with rushes, a gold fillet, uraeus earrings, a beaded collar, a kalasiris with straps, and beaded armlets, bracelets, and anklets. She also holds the ankh sign, and her dress is covered with hieroglyphic writing. Kohl eye makeup protects her eyes from the blazing sun.
捷豹人 Were-Jaguar
捷豹人是有關雨和土的神話人物。祂們是一隻公捷豹和母人類的小孩。為何狩獵的捷豹會和農業有關仍然是迷。一個解釋是因為捷豹薩滿的信仰接管了比較老的奧爾梅克的土蛇信仰。捷豹人最明顯是豹的遺傳的特徵是祂們下垂的嘴角。 The were-jaguars are mythical beings associated with rain and earth. They are the offspring of a jaguar father and a human mother. The mystery of how the hunting jaguar became associated with agricultural elements is under debate. One of the convincing explanations for this question is that the cult of the jaguar-shamans took over the older Olmec civilization, who worshiped the cult of the Earth Serpent. The most apparent hint of the feline ancestry of were-jaguars is their downward-curving mouths.
水女神 Chalchiuhtlicue
Chalchiuhtlicue is the Water Goddess of the Aztec Civilization. It is believed that she traces her origins to the beliefs of ancient Olmec, especially the agricultural religions of the maize planters. Hints of Chalchiuhtlicue’s Olmec origins can be found throughout her costume. The maize planters of ancient Olmec believed in the Earth Serpent, its mouth being the mouth of the volcano that releases smoke and water to fertilize their farms. The water goddess dons a diamond-patterned girdle and a poncho trimmed with snake-skin and wool. Other obvious hints of Olmec influence are the big circular earrings and the cleft at the top of her headdress. Chalchiuhtlicue can be translated to “Lady of the Jade Skirts.” Therefore, her skirt is of a jade green, and this also hints “serpentine,” again referencing to snakes.
后羿 Yi
后羿的神話是在周朝後期建立的,而在漢朝時非常流行。后羿 有名的是他射下九個太陽的故事。在中國古神話裡,有十個太陽會輪流出來照耀大地。在夏朝皋陶統治時,它們厭惡了這個常規而全部一起出來,燒壞了農作物,使河流乾枯而土地龜裂。皋陶請后羿救人民。后羿從天降下來而射下了九個太陽。最後一個太陽聽從后羿的指令,回復了每天規律的生活。另外一個有名的故事是后羿個妻子嫦娥偷了西王母賜給后羿的仙丹。吃下了仙丹後,嫦娥一飄就飄到了月亮上面,永遠無法回地球來。這個故事每年中秋節時都會被講。雖然后羿的神話是在周朝時建立的,到了漢朝才有他外表的紀錄。從頭到腳的穿著,射手頭髮用絲巾綁著包、窄袖的內衣、寬袖的刺繡外袍、腰帶、和腳尖翹起的鞋。紅白的射箭是上帝賜給他的。
The myth of Yi was established during the late Zhou period, and became very popular during the Han Dynasty. Yi is known for shooting down nine of the ten suns that were causing drought during the reign of Emperor Gao Yao of the Xia Dynasty. In Chinese mythology, there were ten suns that took turns each day to shine on the earth. However, during the reign of Gao Yao, they got tired of this routine and all came out simultaneously, scorching the crops, drying out the rivers, and cracking the land. Seeing this, Gao Yao asked for Yi to save the people. Yi came down from the heavens and shot nine of the suns. The last sun obeyed Yi’s commands and resumed its routine of coming out during the day. Another well-known story of Yi is the story of his wife, Change, who stole the drug of immortality given to Yi by the Queen Mother of the West. After taking the drug, Change finds herself floating all the way to the moon, never able to return to Earth. This story is told every year during the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. Although the myth of Yi was established in the late Zhou Dynasty, it is not until the Han Dynasty that we have records of his appearance. From top to bottom, the archer wears his hair in a bun and wrapped with a silk scarf, an undertunic with slim sleeves, a wrapped, embroidered robe with baggy sleeves, a sash to hold the robe together, and shoes with erected toes. The red bow and white arrows are given to him by the supreme God.
女媧 Nüwa
The earliest reference of Nüwa is in Questions of Heaven, dating around the fourth century BCE. She is the creator of human beings, molding them out of yellow earth and mud. The royalties were made the former material, and commoners the latter. Later, to ensure that the humans continue thriving, Nüwa marries Fuxi, the God of Marriage who created the marriage systems, and teaches humans to do the same. Nüwa is described to have the head of a human being and the body of a snake. The earliest depictions of her, found in a Han-Dynasty tomb, shows her with a full human torso and a snake body coming from beneath her tunic. She wears a headdress and holds a compass which she uses to measure the world.
阿波羅 Apollo
在希臘古風時代之初,阿波羅已經是重要的神明。祂的來源不明。有些人認為祂是從小亞細亞傳來的,因為祂也叫利西安,從南海岸的利西亞來。祂的很多聖地都在那裏。在希臘神話的初期,阿波羅和疾病有關。祂的箭會感染所有祂攻擊的人。《伊里亞德》裡祂被稱做是「鼠王」。傳說中,當阿伽門農國王綁架阿波羅特洛伊的祭司克萊希斯的女兒,克萊希斯要求阿波羅幫助他。阿波羅以可怕的傳染病殺死了許多。阿波羅頭上帶著桂冠。身上的短袍是後古風時期的造型。當時的衣服變得柔軟而寬鬆,也通常有著摺皺。在短袍上,祂帶著釘在肩上有幾何圖形的斗篷。最後祂以皮帶將衣服繫好,也綁著祂的箭袋。祂的皮鞋用皮繩拉緊再將繩子纏繞腳踝。 At the beginning of the Archaic Period, Apollo has already been established as an important deity. His origins are unclear. Some think he may be from Asia Minor, for he is also called Lycian, from Lycia of the south coast; many sites dedicated to him can also be found in the area. During the earlier periods of Greek mythology, Apollo is associated with disease, his bows seen as the source of plague, infecting those whom he attacks.The Iliad refers to him as the “Lord of Mice.” It is said that when King Agamemnon kidnapped the daughter of Chryses, a Trojan priest of Apollo, the priest turned to Apollo for help and the god killed many with a horrific plague. Apollo can be recognized by the laurel wreath he wears on his head. The short chiton he wears is of the later Archaic period, when the style of clothing became wider and softer, often pleated or crinkled. On top of his chiton, the god wears a mantle pinned at one shoulder, woven with geometric designs. A leather girdle holds his clothing in place, and is also used to strap his quiver. His leather shoes or laced with leather straps that extend up and wrap around his ankles.
雅典那 Athena
從宙斯的頭生出的永遠處女的雅典那是希臘許多南男英雄的守護者。這些英雄包括柏修斯、大力士、奧得修斯、和傑森。在和波賽塞登爭取雅典的保護權 時,波塞登賜與那城市祂的三叉,給城市商交業和水源。雅典那則給與城市一顆橄欖樹,代表著和平和木材、油、與食物。最後女神成為雅典城市的。雅典那通常被畫成 一位女戰士,帶著黃銅的頭盔和盾牌。祂穿的長袍在腰部有一個摺處,以織紋的腰帶繫著。袍前的直條是織到袍上的。雅典那有名的,有蛇邊的胸盔,是宙斯給祂作 保護用的。
Born from the head of Zeus, the forever-virgin goddess Athena is the protector of male heroes such as Perseus, Heracles, Odysseus, and Jason. In a competition with Poseidon over the patronage of the city of Athens, Poseidon presents his trident, giving the city a means of trade and water. Athena, on the other hand, gifts the city with an olive tree, representing peace, as well as wood, oil, and food. The goddess becomes the patroness of Athens. Athena is often depicted as female warrior, with a bronze helmet and shield. A long chiton has an apotygma to the waist and is girdled with a woven-patterned sash. The frontal band is woven into the chiton fabric. Her famous aegis, a cape/breastplate trimmed with snakes, was given to her by Zeus as a form of protection. |